IDOTHER More IDdemo Form1 Command1 SetDlgItemInt >> Label1 Command2 SetDlgItemText >> Label2 Command3 SendDlgItemMessage >> Combo1 Command4 GetDlgItemInt >> Label3 Command5 GetDlgItemText >> Label4 SendDlgItemMessage nIDDlgItem wParamQ lParam SetDlgItemIntX wValue bSigned GetDlgItemInt lpTranslated SetDlgItemText@ lpString GetDlgItemText nMaxCount_ EnableWindow hWndQ aBOOL GetDlgItem IDS_LABEL1 IDS_LABEL2 IDB_COMMAND3 IDC_COMBO1 IDS_LABEL3 IDS_LABEL4 Command3_Click CB_DIR CB_SETCURSEL IdOther Disable Command1_Click- Command2_Click caption? Command4_Click Command5_Click Userz Userz Userz Userz Userz User@ Userz IDs of the controls we'll be needingU Command3_Click fill the combo box with a drive/directory listing *.*" set the current selection to entry #2 disable Command3 to demo GetDlgItem Command1_Click set Label1.Caption to the form's hWnd - no need for Str$() Command2_Click set Label2.Caption to the form's captionn Command4_Click get the integer from label1.caption and set it to label3.caption Command5_Click get the text from label2.caption and copy it to label4l